How To Win The Battle

My wonderful wife Janet does a daily blog called Chocolate and God.  It’s filled with recipes, beauty tips, books for women and a daily Bible study that flat out rocks.  

I am going to steal her Bible study from this morning because I feel you will find great encouragement from it.

Matthew 4:10-11   ”Then Jesus said to him, “Be gone, Satan!  For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall

Janet Scott

you serve.”  Then the devil left him , and behold, angels came and were ministering to him.”

When Satan tried to tempt Jesus he had to have known it was a stretch to think that he could tempt the Son of God, the creator of all to

worship him, the created but he just had to try.  The wonderful thing though about God allowing him to try is the example that Jesus gave each of us through it.  Jesus proved that through God’s word we can all have victory over anything Satan throws at us.  God allowed Satan to tempt Jesus as a man during a time of physical weakness after fasting for 40 days and Jesus used scripture to overcome.  We can have that same victory on a daily basis if we choose to.

What temptations or habits do you have in your life that you just feel defeated in?  What all have you tried to win the battle?  Have you tried memorizing scripture?  As the Bible says in Ephesians 6  “Put on the whole armor of God” that begins with knowing the word of God.  Pull up Biblegateway and search for verses to help you gain the victory by  truly knowing who you are in Christ and by looking for His promises to give you the help and guidance you need.  Spend time daily reading your Bible, as it says in Joshua “meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”  We can have victory and we can have it starting today.  Ask a close friend to walk with you through your struggle and get in the word today and find some verses to help and encourage you along the way!  You can win that battle today!

Check out Chocolate And God every day for a great devotional for the ladies.  You can also check out Chocolate And God on Facebook as well.  Ladies if you would like to follow Janet on Twitter you can do that as well.


“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.  Nothign can e done without hope and confidence.”  Helen Keller

December 23, 2011