Make It An Event

Bill Scott

Bill Scott

The fundraising season has begun.  I’ve already been out on the road for the last three weeks with unbelievable results.  This week I get to hang with the team from WCQR in Johnson City Tennessee.

I have seen just about every fundraiser there is to see.  I’ve been to the more music fundraisers, which by the way fail every time.  I’ve been to fundraisers were they hint that they need donations, again epic fail.  I was once told by a station manager that he preferred and I didn’t use the term pledge, donations, gifts, faith promise, as a matter of fact he told me that it would be best if I didn’t ask for money.  I don’t know how to ask for money on the air.  At the end of the day I raised more money than they had ever seen and wasn’t asked back.  True story.

Unless you are willing to make your fundraiser an event, you will not see the success you are hoping for.  Don’t down play your fundraiser.  If you are reluctant to ask for money, your listener will be reluctant to give you money.  Stand tall and make this a huge event that both you and your listeners can be proud of.  Make your fundraiser a celebration of changed lives in your community.  Make it bigger than life

Your fundraiser deserves all the promotion, bells and whistles, fun and passion that any other event gets on your station, perhaps more.  Here are a few tips for your fundraiser this year.

1.)  Make your fundraiser a huge event.  Tell your listener the dates so they can get excited about the fact that it’s coming.  Don’t try to sneak up on your listeners by not giving them dates.  That’s not an event anyone is looking forward to.

2.)  Invite listeners to your fundraising event.  Encourage your audience to stop by and see the station, grab some food, attend a special concert or whatever else you can think of that will bless them.

3.)  Run promos that are compelling.  Share stories, share how important the listener is to your station, share how huge this event is going to be.

4.)  Let your listeners hear how passionate you are about this great event.  I had a station once say that their fundraiser was necessary evil they had to do in order to stay on the air.  Ok, with that attitude you have already lost the battle.  If you don’t believe this is a great event, your listeners won’t either.

5.)  Have a blast.  Any event worth its salt is fun.  Make your event the biggest celebration of the year.   

Have an wonderful event this year.  I hope you hit your goal and do wonderful ministry.

September 18, 2014
November 5, 2014